24 Lonsdale Road, London, NW6 6RR
Telephone: 0207 328 8331 (75+ line available on request)
If you are unwell and cannot wait until we are next open, please call 111.
Award Winning Wellbeing Cafe, Wednesday 11-1 pm at the Lonsdale. Please come along for hot drinks, company, and a friendly welcome!
We are running the first-ever trial of two “one-stop Diabetes” days at Lonsdale on the 24th and 25th of January. For this, we are very pleased to have the Brent Diabetes retinal screening team coming into the practice for two days to undertake on-site retinal screening for our patients who have diabetes and are due for this important eye check. We are serving tea and coffee to our patients, and doing a range of on-the-day health checks (blood tests, blood pressure, BMI, and weights), as well as offering GP and nursing reviews and advice all on the same day. The day’s are looking very popular and are almost fully booked. We hope to be able to run these at regular points throughout the year.