Lonsdale Medical Group

24 Lonsdale Road, London, NW6 6RR

Telephone: 0207 328 8331 (75+ line available on request)


If you are unwell and cannot wait until we are next open, please call 111.

Award Winning Wellbeing Cafe, Wednesday 11-1 pm at the Lonsdale.  Please come along for hot drinks, company, and a friendly welcome!

Patient Group Meetings

The Practice’s Patient Participation Group (PPG) meets quarterly: please join us for the next one!

Tuesday 30th April 2024 2024, 18.30-19.30 

 There will be food, drinks, and a warm welcome from the group.


The Patient Group is very welcoming and friendly so please come along even if it’s just to listen. 

We serve drinks/sandwiches/ fruit and there are lots of opportunities to chat, and meet the other members of the PPG and the team at the Lonsdale. 

Our “winter meeting” was on the 22nd of January 2024. We discussed (among other things) our new triage system, our new and improved way of contacting the practice online, and other initiatives at the practice and within the patient group.

You can just turn up on the day, no need to book. 

If you want further information about the group please email us at admin.lonsdale@nhs.net and we can put you in touch with the core team.


Past meetings: 

Our “Summer meeting” was on the 12th of September 2023.  It was incredibly nice to see everyone in person and enjoy each other’s company over tea and some food.

We had a discussion, among other things, about the “NHS Recover Plan” and “We Are General Practice” campaign

Presentation from the September 2023 meeting: 

PPG September 2023

Past meetings:

Presentation from the February 2023 meeting:

PPG February 2023

Presentation from the October 2022 meeting:

PPG October Meeting

Minutes from 3rd October 2022

PPG Minutes 3 October 2022

Minutes from 13th June 2022

PPG Minutes 13 June 2022

Minutes from 8th February 2022

PPG Minutes Feb 8 2022

Minutes from 2nd November 2021

PPG Minutes 2 November 2021 – FINAL FOR Lonsdale and PPG circulation

Minutes from April 2021

Zoom PPG Chat file

Lonsdale PPG Meeting May 11 2021

Lonsdale Presentation to PPG meeting 11.5.21

Minutes from April 2020

Zoom PPG Chat file

Lonsdale MedicalGroup PPG 29 April 2020

Minutes from 21 January 2020

Lonsdale PPG update from Amanda Meehan Jan 27 2020

PPG Minutes 27.01.2020 – for circulation

BPV LNWHT meeting poster 30-03-2020

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    GP extended hours service until 8pm: pre-booked only
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    GP extended hours service until 8pm: pre-booked only.
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    GP extended hours service until 8pm: pre-booked only
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    GP extended hours service until 8pm: pre-booked only
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    GP extended hours service until 8pm: pre-booked only
  • Saturday
    09:00am to 03:00pm
    Pre-booked Nurse and HCA appointments and GP Extended hours Hub service: pre-booked only
  • Sunday
    Remote GP morning service: pre-booked only
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